My Boyo
Meanwhile Robbin did something so cute last weekend...he said "Mom, can I pamper you?" I said sure hon, what do you have in mind? He said he wanted to do my nails!! Well, I have acrylics on (I do them myself) and so he decided to do my toenails instead (paint them, the fingernails were already done, and in the same polish he'd chosen!) So he sat cross-leged on the floor in front of me, gently took each foot in turn and did the nails...and did a good job, to boot! What a sweet boy he is!
One problem I am having is they apparently don't believe in manners at Cathy's, because Robbin's manners have gone into the crapper. Every weekend I have to remind him to use his manners. Every weekend! Everything I do they undo during the week. I am trying to raise him to be mannered, that is the way I was raised (Rob aparently also was not, he still chews with his mouth open), I know that if he goes out into the world with his manners intact he stands a much better chance of getting somewhere and not having his hiney handed to him on a platter...yet another reason I want primary custody. I want to give Robbin every chance at success possible.