One of my email groups was talking about hippy you can see my son is a fine up-and-coming hippy himself, and I wear tye-dye as much as possible. I was reflecting on my youth, and was remembering that my first kiss was to Inna-Godda-Da-Vida, and it wasn't on the oldies station, either. Actually we didn't even HAVE oldies stations back then. I remember Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Jimi, Mama Cass...from Buffalo Springfield to Dusty Springfield to Rick Springfield...I remember the first COLOR TV!!! I was about Robbin's age when my father brought this Gigantic thing home. There were only one or two stations that broadcast in color at the time. Now look at us! In my wildest imagination I would never have dreamed of the things we see on TV now! And maybe that is not such a good thing, kids today don't HAVE to use their wildest imagination, all they have to do is push a button or two...I don't know. I Do know that Robbin does have a vivid, wild imagination and uses it all the time, Jimmy Neutron and Spongebob notwithstanding...And he has discovered green veggies!! How many times do we tell our children to eat their veggies so they can grow big and strong? Well it seems to finally have seeped it's way in, and now he requests something green every dinner (not that I haven't always made them) and eats it all up, saying "Green Power! YAY! Green Power will make my brain strong and will make ME strong like my daddy! Green food is good for my colon!!!" (Now WHERE did he get THAT one from???) Yes green food IS good for all that but how many 8-year-olds are concerned with their COLON?!?!?!
My Hens have finally started laying!!!! YAAY!!! The first eggs are tiny, the empty shell fits into a regular egg shell, but the yolks are orange and thick, and they stand high and firm and yummy! The shells are also very thick, which is great, means they are getting enough calcium in their diet.
I am a bit concerned about LDN, I am on the last pill and haven't got the funds to get more right now, and it takes so long to get here, it will be at least a month or two that I will have to go without and I don't want to have to quit it! I have no choice though. Oh well, wish me luck, I don't want my symptoms coming back, I hope they don't.
Robbin just came up and is chattering away about going too have green food for dinner ROFL...actually I haven't decided yet what I'm going to make for dinner...maybe a stir-fry?
Ok that's all for now...Stay Cool!