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Location: Crescent City, Fl, United States

I am 60, have MS, am an avid cook, love making candles (soy) and watching the endless parade of Nature outside my home. I treat the MS with supplements and LDN, I do not use any of the C.R.A.B. MS meds, we don't get along well. I was married for 13 years, we were together for 15. We are now divorced. Sad, that. I do still love him, but ONLY as the father of my baby. Better to keep it civil, hurts the child(ren) less that way, but is oh-so-hard to do sometimes.

Friday, March 23, 2007


It seems a white knight is riding to our rescue...a friend is going to help us with the down...if all goes well we'll be in our new home by Mother's day! We also just got a good deal on a used minivan, the plan is...we'll get one of those car hitches, and tow the car behind the van, with whatever critters are coming (we'll probably give away some of the chickens, we've got about 25 right now) and the immediate need items either packed into the car or the van, then Rob will come back to WV with the van, and if he can't fit the rest of the stuff in it, get a u-haul and come back up. Meanwhile Robbin and I will start establishing our homestead. WaaHoo!!!!
I do have some bad news, though, quite upsetting...seems the doggy decided not to be a Wisconsin dog and had a terminal run-in with what probably was a semi on the interstate. She slipped her collar and somehow got through the fence that runs between the house and the highway, and was killed on the spot. At least it was fast. Strange thing is she NEVER would leave the area right around the house, so why she suddenly took it upon herself to run right out into traffic...well, we'll never know the answer to that one...poor baby. No-body deserves that kind of ending. She was a good dog, but will probably be out last dog...I can't go through that again and sure don't want Robbin to have to. I miss her, she had the saddest big brown eyes... :-(
SO we'll stick with cats and farm critters. We're planning on getting a goat or two up there, and of course we'll have the chickens and rabbits. Not sure what other critters we'll have, I do know we want a beehive...for the honey! The lady we're buying the place from said she had three hives and would get an average of 150 lbs of honey a year...I think at that rate one hive would suffice. There are farms all around us, is why there was so much honey...all the farmers and their crops...
Rob is going to get his forge up and running again and make skinners and offer knife sharpening. We will of course still do the readings, getting our site up and revamped is a current as you can see we have a ton of plans...going to build on a room with a jacuzzi, too, to keep my poor ol' bones feeling good.
I am SO excited about this...tempered with sadness about poor Mitzi. Seems there is truth in the old saying about one door opening while another closes. I lost my sweet Boxer dog, Chata, the same day I converted to Judaism. And the last dog we had with the name of Mitzi, also met her end via semi...she was at Jimmy's and he let her run, even knowing how dangerous their road was and that she didn't know where the yard ended and the road, and the danger, began. So no more dogs...unless one turns up in the yard, one can't fight fate. I've learned that!


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