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Location: Crescent City, Fl, United States

I am 60, have MS, am an avid cook, love making candles (soy) and watching the endless parade of Nature outside my home. I treat the MS with supplements and LDN, I do not use any of the C.R.A.B. MS meds, we don't get along well. I was married for 13 years, we were together for 15. We are now divorced. Sad, that. I do still love him, but ONLY as the father of my baby. Better to keep it civil, hurts the child(ren) less that way, but is oh-so-hard to do sometimes.

Saturday, September 23, 2006


I know I have been quiet lately, just been going through time I guess...Rob is going to Calif. next weekend to do readings and healings for the weekend, and we are planning a seminar in Sedona where we will both talk, him about healing (he does a Reiki-type healing modality, as do I) and me about crystals and we'll do chakra balancings and stuff....we've been busy with a Lot of readings lately, and I have been working on Phoenix, integrating her into the cat community...she comes downstairs now for food and litter, so at least we got that out of the bedroom (nothing like a litterbox in the sleeping space...*whew*)
We're got a new boarder, nice young man who works with troubled teens, I think he is going to work out just fine!
My chickens are laying like crazy and the D.C. crowd are snatching up all they can lay, so next week we're getting some more hens to try to catch up with demand...we're selling them for $2 a dozen, nice, BIG brown farm-fresh, free-range eggs, and I guess in D.C. they go for $3-4 a dozen, so they are More then Happy to donate $2!!! Matter of fact we told them $1 at first and they refused, said it had to be at least $2 ROFL, I'm never one to refuse a raise LOL...
It has cooled down considerably, we've even used the fireplace a couple of times.
Since we've replaced Jimmy we're also a bit more solvent, so I have finally been able to order more LDN, still cannot get a Dr. to write a script for it, but I have almost a year's worth coming so it won't really matter, and I think in a couple of months I will get more, just to make sure I don't run out, or low, again!!! I KNOW the LDN is helping me, ALL my symptoms are gone, no more tingling, no more numbness, even the fatigue and depression are better...I Do still get wiped out with heat, but it has to be very hot for it to affect me, I hardly used my cooling scarves this sumer, only a few times. I can drive with no problems. I have noticed the difference with the lesser dose though, and cannot wait to get back to 3.0 and maybe even raise it to 4.0 or the recommended 4.5.
Robbin is doing wonderfully, graduated the 3rd grade and we're beginning him in 4th. He is So smart, the only "problem" is he is TOTALLY focussed on CARS, spends hours surfing them on the net, comparing one car with another, I worry about that a little, don't want him to become OCD. He also watches tv, mainly spongebob, fairly godparents and...pimp my ride! He Loves that show and it is a ritual that every Thursday when they come out with a new episode he HAS to sit with Mommy and watch it! Doesn't matter What I am watching, if we do not change to Pimp my Ride he gets very upset, and I give in and we watch it together, it has become a ritual does mean he stays up late that night, bit that's ok...
Oh yes, and he has become a Superhero named The Bees Knees, and he just named me as also a Superhero, he named my Superhero self FireDragon. Cool, eh? So when we need him to do something we send The Bees Knees to the rescue...:-)
Well that's that for now...


Blogger TheyDHD said...

I'm glad to hear that you were too busy to post because of positive things. *smile* Just when I begin to get concerned, you post again. Welcome back!

Focus is a good thing. I'd say let him research all he wants online. It's teaching him valuable research skills as well as thiongs he cares about and will remember for years that he likely won't lear from basic homeschooling materials. You can always keep an eye on him for any symptoms of negative fixations. From your explaination though, it seems like he is just really interested in athe subject. I fixate sometimes myself, but I've never been OCD, it's just a way to absorb more information faster. *smile*

8:40 PM  

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